Volt Electri Corp


8226 NW South River Dr, Medley, FL 33166,

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Our Services

What Service We Offer

Our mission is to increase our customer’s success by creating a safe and professional work environment for our electricians to effectivelv complete their goals and visions.

Our goal is to complete electrical projects with a 5-star quality service.

We take time studying blueprints and work specifications with our electricians to avoid delays and mistakes.

Aur arras of ayrertire irelde but are not limited to:

Custom Homes

New and existing construction

Dock wiring and lighting installations

Dock wiring and lighting installations

Emeraencv Power/Generator sales and installations

Emeraencv Power/Generator sales and installations

Office build outs

Office build outs

New and existing installations

Warehouses, office complexes

Warehouses, office complexes

Retail store build

Retail store build

Outs in malls and free-standina kiosks



& food service installations

Apartment/Residential complexes

Apartment/Residential complexes

All types of transformer installations

Our Clients

Some of our customers